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Where is KIM going? 

Bicycle Tune-Up Clinics

Kids In Motion is able to provide volunteer-coordinated Bicycle Tune-Up Clinics at several schools in the Billings Area.


These clinics offer a variety of minor bicycle repairs and maintenance.

Examples: Inflate and/or replace tires and tubes, general adjustments including brakes, seats, and chains.

Fall 2024 KIM Events

Kids drop off their bikes before school and pick them up after school.


September 19: Eagle Cliffs 


September 26: Rose Park â€‹


October 3: TBD 


October 10: McKinley


To sign up as a volunteer, check out our Volunteer page.


Traffic Skills Class

Bicycle-focused educational pilot will be conducted in collaboration with School District #2. 


In-class education will be paired with a    bicycle-focused traffic skills course to provide enhanced traffic education.

For more information, contact:


Elyse Monat

Active Transportation Planner

City of Billings/Yellowstone County

(406) 247-8637

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